beat down

beat down [bi:t daun]  [bit daʊn] 

beat down 基本解释

击败; (太阳)直射; 烤晒; 摧毁

beat down 网络解释

beat down在线翻译

1. 击败:例如,对于亨克而言,Beat自然是垮掉,是失意,是困顿,是被击败(beat down). 亨克何许人?他全名叫赫伯特亨克. 他原来是威廉巴勒斯的朋友,一个纽约时代广场上的扒手和吸毒者. 金斯堡、凯鲁亚克和巴勒斯通过亨克认识了一批小偷和歹徒,

2. 打倒,推翻;杀(价):bear with 宽容;耐心等待 | beat down 打倒,推翻;杀(价) | beat off 击退,打退(进攻)

3. 杀价:beat back 击退 | beat down 杀价 | beat for 搜索

4. 击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁; 杀价, 使卖方降低价格; (烈日)照射:22.beat back 打退, 使后退 | 23.beat down 击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁; 杀价, 使卖方降低价格; (烈日)照射 | 24.beat into 反复教诲; 灌输

beat down 词典解释
beat down在线翻译

1. (烈日)暴晒,强烈地照射
    When the sun beats down, it is very hot and bright.

2. beat down的翻译

2. (雨)滂沱而下,倾盆而下
    When the rain beats down, it rains very hard.

    e.g. Even in the winter with the rain beating down, it's nice and cosy in there.

3. 压价;砍价;杀价
    If you beat down a person who is selling you something, you force them to accept a lower price for it than they wanted to get.

    e.g. A fair employer, when arranging for the pay of a carpenter, does not try to beat him down...
    e.g. Beat down the seller to the price that suits you.

beat down 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. In all there were seven breaks of serve for the set as the sun beat down on the players.

2. beat down的解释

2. As we headed down the ancient royal road in the forest, my heart began to beat faster.

3. Petrov beat the entire Stuttgart defense before bearing down on Timo Hildebrand and flicking the ball past the diving goalie.


4. The slumping orders overshadowed earnings that beat analysts'expectations, sending shares down 3 percent after the market closed on Thursday.

5. We're not going to sit and cry on the plane and get beat down.

6. beat down在线翻译

6. A policeman was beat down and the crowd continued to move south with more violent behaviors.

7. Zhang claims the book's assertions that he beat down appeals by local farmers to higher authorities are not true.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. This beat down market confidence and caused an immediate flight of investors'funds.

9. beat down

9. I thought Saturday afternoon at Carrefour was bad, but this had it beat hands down.

10. beat down的解释

10. I would like to ask this grandma to kick me, bite me and beat me down.

beat down 英英释义



1. beat down的反义词

1. dislodge from a position

    e.g. She beat the dealer down to a much better price

2. shine hard

    e.g. The sun beat down on the hikers

3. persuade the seller to accept a lower price

    e.g. She beat the merchant down $100

    Synonym: bargain down
