1. 旁敲侧击:英文有拨丛寻猎(beat the bush)之谚,也有旁敲侧击(beat around the bush)之谚,皆锁定bush(布什)而对付之. 如今李文奇正相生、侧目以告,打官司打到这种境界,允称佳作. 美国体育记者瑞斯(Grantland Rice)说的好:不在输赢,在你怎么玩--
2. 绕圈子:扰乱治安disturb public order | 绕圈子beat around the bush | 热带风暴Tropical Storm
3. 说话绕圈子:bear in mind 牢记在心 | beat around the bush 说话绕圈子 | beat it 走开
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. I was recently asked why most Chinese people are indirect and tend to beat around the bush.
1. be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
Synonym: equivocate tergiversate prevaricate palter