bearing rein

bearing rein

bearing rein 双语例句

1. But then we were sold to a man in London who drove us with a bearing rein—a rein to hold our heads up unnaturally high and to keep them there, for hours and hours, until the pain was terrible.

2. 'Well, that helped, 'said Jakes, 'but if I went without a bearing rein all the time, the other cart drivers would laugh at me. It's fashionable, you see.'

3. We've never used a bearing rein with either of them.

4. I was sold to a baker who Jerry knew, but the baker's bearing rein up.

bearing rein的反义词

5. The driver told him I had a bad temper but would soon get used to the bearing rein.

6. After that, Jakes always took off my bearing rein when I was going up a hill, and that made my life easier.

7. The bearing rein annoyed me but did not pull my head any higher than I was used to carrying it.

8. Jerry took a lot of care to make sure that my col-lar and bridle were comfortable——and there was no bearing rein!

9. The bearing rein annoyed me but did not pull my head any higher than I was used to carrying it. I was worried about Gin - ger, but she seemed quite happy.

10. 'Well, that helped,'said Jakes,'but if I went without a bearing rein all the time, the other cart drivers would laugh at me. It's fashionable, you see.'

bearing rein 单语例句

1. But mainland property developers defied the downtrend on signs that China's efforts to rein in credit were bearing fruit.
