
beaming ['bi:mɪŋ]  ['bi:mɪŋ] 






beaming 基本解释


形容词喜气洋洋的; 照耀的; 光亮的; 愉快的

动词发出光与热( beam的现在分词 ); 面露喜色; 播送; 1 笑容满面,眉开眼笑 2 发射电波,播送 3 放出束状的光(或热)

beaming 网络解释

1. 辐射:beam 光线 | beaming 辐射 | bear bile 熊胆

2. 光亮的:beamed 有梁的 | beaming 光亮的 | beamingly 发光地

3. 喜气洋洋的;光亮的:feature 是...的特色;n.特色 | beaming 喜气洋洋的;光亮的 | celebrity 名人;名声

4. 集束 倒轴 整经:beam-indexingtube电子束引示显像管 | beaming集束 倒轴 整经 | beamingeffect束流效应

beaming 单语例句

1. beaming

1. Everywhere in Beijing, his face has been beaming down from advertising hoardings.

2. But after a few minutes speaking with Hof, she's beaming and laughing too.

3. A beaming Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas left an Amman hospital Thursday, saying he felt " just fine " hours after undergoing successful heart surgery.

4. beaming在线翻译

4. Ashley Hawkins was beaming as she showed off an Augusta National flag that Woods signed.

5. I stared in awe and could not but marvel at the sheer size of the metropolis and its beaming vitality.

6. An old big bed in the room was beaming with perfume left by previous guests and camphor balls to keep off borers.

7. Beaming brides wore ornate gowns and smiled happily in the freezing wind as if they were bathing in warm sunshine.

8. beaming的翻译

8. " There are so many great names on this trophy, " a beaming Ferrer told reporters.

9. beaming的近义词

9. " To win here really means a lot, " a beaming Jennings said.

10. beaming

10. Tango Club will be turned into a sea of electronic music, with beaming lights and Loko's rhythms on Saturday night.

beaming 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. radiating or as if radiating light

    e.g. the beaming sun
           the effulgent daffodils
           a radiant sunrise
           a refulgent sunset

    Synonym: beamy effulgent radiant refulgent

2. cheerful and bright

    e.g. a beaming smile
           a glad May morning

    Synonym: glad

3. pleased and proud

    e.g. beaming parents
