
beading [ˈbi:dɪŋ]  [ˈbidɪŋ] 

beading 基本解释


名词小珠饰(尤指花边状网眼边饰); 串珠饰; 串珠状缘饰; (轮胎的)胎边

beading 网络解释

1. 钉珠:hand loom 手织样,指生产大货前,需打一小块布样,确认颜色,格型,效果 | BEADING 钉珠 | circular kniting machines 针织大圆机

2. 玻璃珠, 珠细工:sea rotaplane 水上旋翼机 | beading 玻璃珠, 珠细工 | formazane 甲

3. 珠绣:Accordion 风琴褶 | Beading 珠绣 | Bound-edge frill 镶边绉褶

4. 玻璃珠,钉珠:basting 疏缝 | beading 玻璃珠,钉珠 | bell bottom 喇叭裤脚

beading 词典解释

1. (家具或门上的)装饰木条
    Beading is a narrow strip of wood that is used for decorating or edging furniture and doors.

2. (衣服上的)串珠饰物
    Beading is an arrangement of beads used for decorating clothes.

    e.g. ...a black velvet bodice with jet black beading.

beading 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. A polished traveler vibe celebrates global style with ethnic beading and leather fringes.

2. beading

2. Beijing's only beading club holds monthly activities for serious jewelry enthusiasts to compare designs and discuss jewelry shopping.

beading 英英释义



1. a beaded molding for edging or decorating furniture

    Synonym: bead beadwork astragal

2. ornamentation with beads

    Synonym: beadwork
