be in prison

be in prison [bi: in ˈprizən]  [bi ɪn ˈprɪzən] 

be in prison 基本解释

be in prison的意思

在押; 在狱中, 被监禁着; 坐班房

be in prison 网络解释

1. 在狱中服刑:入狱,被监禁 go to prison | 在狱中服刑 be in prison | 将某人送进监狱 throw / put sb. into prison

2. 入狱:6、send Mr Mandela to prison.把曼德拉送进了监狱 | 7、be in prison 入狱 | 8、become president of South Africa. 成为南非的总统

3. 被监禁(表状态):1) be in prison被监禁(表状态) | go to prison 入狱 | send/ take sb. to prison 将某人关入监狱

4. 在狱中 free from从...获得自由 | in prison在狱中 | put in prison被投入狱中

be in prison 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The former chief executive officer will be eligible to shave up to 54 days a year off his sentence for good behavior in prison.

2. be in prison是什么意思

2. In an attempt to clean up its tarnished image, the White House said the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad will be torn down.

3. be in prison的反义词

3. He decided that he would be less of a risk to his family in prison, so he committed a crime to get himself sent there.

4. The latest announcement by Italy means that there will now be 226 detainees remaining at the prison at the US Navy base in Cuba.

5. Drivers who knock people down generally get three to seven years in prison, which could be extended to 15 years if the victim dies.

6. be in prison

6. Three years in prison is the highest punishment that is possible to be given to him under the law of the land.

7. However BT said the costs could not simply be compared in this way and added that the charges are set in agreement with prison authorities.

8. He could face up to six years in prison if convicted on the charges, but his defense lawyer told local radio he will not be jailed pending trial.

9. be in prison的解释

9. It looks like as long as these detailed requirements are carried out in full, prison management will be more scientific and institutionalized in the near future.

10. The sentence means Guo's behavior in prison will be assessed for two years, following which he will have a chance to appeal for leniency.
