be harmful to

be harmful to

be harmful to 单语例句

1. Beaked whales have been known to be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of Navy active sonar than other whales.

2. Scores of factories known to have discharged harmful effluence are to be closely watched by environmental authorities in an effort to prevent a catastrophe.

3. High aluminum intake is believed to be harmful to the central nervous system.

4. The latter chemical is banned as an additive in pig feed in China because it can be harmful and even fatal to humans.

5. The additive is harmful to humans and can be fatal since it often accumulates in organs such as the liver and lungs.

6. The school's principal said staff at the college concur that drug testing would be harmful to the relationship between teachers and students.

7. The awareness of import dangers also needs to be cultivated among the general public to avoid unintentionally bringing in harmful plants or insects from overseas.

8. Some supporters say ending the death penalty would be harmful to poor minorities, who are disproportionately murder victims.

9. If people do not have a decent place to live, they will become dissatisfied and that will be harmful to social stability.

10. Effective measures should be taken to improve institutional arrangements involving the production, publication and dissemination of harmful information to tighten management and monitor the Internet platform.
