be carried away

be carried away[bi: ˈkærid əˈwei] 

be carried away 基本解释

忘形; 神往; 激动,入迷; 为之神往

be carried away 网络解释

1. 非常激动,忘乎所以:sit around 无所事事 | be carried away 非常激动,忘乎所以 | Just in case以防万一

2. 失去自制力:carry v.传送,运送;带有;支持;赞同 | be carried away 失去自制力 | carry on经营,管理

3. 被``````所吸引:183. poverty engenders crime 贫困生罪恶 | 184. be carried away 被``````所吸引 | 185. leave off doing=stop doing 放弃,停止

4. 十分激动,十分兴奋:326be better off富裕;境况(尤指经济境况)好起来 | 327be carried away十分激动,十分兴奋 | 328be hard to say难以估计

be carried away 单语例句

1. " But we cannot be carried away with the news and turn blind to future challenges, " he said.

2. be carried away的意思

2. Both parents and students may gain some strength from it - never be carried away by success and never be crestfallen for failure.

3. We have been quite disgusted by a number of our colleagues who seem to be carried away with their profession as journalists.

4. We should not be too carried away by the country's progress, says an editorial in Southern Metropolis Daily.

5. be carried away的反义词

5. In other villages water is scarce and has to be carried in buckets from several kilometres away.

6. And my advice to him would be to just stay patient and don't get carried away.

7. Just don't get too carried away, or you'd be inviting endless free advice on medication and herbal formulas.

8. be carried away的反义词

8. Coach Edy Reja is trying not to get carried away but he believes his team deserve to be where they are.

9. Religious officials speculate young Iraqis got carried away in celebrating the end of Ramadan and now need to be reined in.
