be at extremity

be at extremity [bi: æt ɪkˈstremɪti:]  [bi æt ɪkˈstrɛmɪti] 

be at extremity 基本解释



be at extremity 网络解释

be at extremity是什么意思

1. 临终:be at enmity with || 与不和 | be at extremity || 临终 | be at feud with || 与人不和, 与有仇

be at extremity 双语例句

1. It was in vain to sit still and wish for what was not to be had, and this Extremity rouz`d my Application; we had several spare Yards, and two or three large sparrs of Wood, and a spare Top-mast or two in the Ship; I resolv`d to fall to work with these, and I flung as many of them over board as I could manage for their Weight, tying every one with a Rope that they might not drive away; when this was done I went down the Ship`s Side, and pulling them to me, I ty`d four of them fast together at both Ends as well as I could, in the Form of a Raft, and laying two or three short Pieces of Plank upon them cross-ways, I found I could walk upon it very well, but that it was not able to bear any great Weight, the Pieces being too light; so I went to work, and with the Carpenters Saw I cut a spare Top-mast into three Lengths, and added them to my Raft, with a great deal of Labour and Pains, but hope of furnishing my self with Necessaries, encourag`d me to go beyond what I should have been able to have done upon another Occasion.

be at extremity

2. Observe eustoma on the 26 days, In the clear water and other two kind of antistaling agents has become the string withered to wither, But in huaxianzi each flower only appears an air shrinkage in the most lower extremity to be colored, but only appear a withered flower at Each the flower most underneath in huaxianzi, This withered flower with other normal blossom form evidence dissimilarity, The difference of life-span compare greatly.

3. Four trees were to be seen at its extremity.

4. Four trees were to be seen at its extremity. They may be planted at any time of the year.


5. If you set a Render Area (yellow rectangle), be careful to pull the handles at each extremity.

6. Afterwards the extremity of item period is located in the evaluation, and it can be looked at again to another the new item beginning of period.

7. A little after Noon I found the Sea very calm, and the Tyde ebb'd so far out, that I could come within a Quarter of a Mile of the Ship; and here I found a fresh renewing of my Grief, for I saw evidently, that if we had kept on board, we had been all safe, that is to say, we had all got safe on Shore, and I had not been so miserable as to be left entirely destitute of all Comfort and Company, as I now was; this forc'd Tears from my Eyes again, but as there was little Relief in that, I resolv'd, if possible, to get to the Ship, so I pull'd off my Clothes, for the Weather was hot to Extremity, and took the Water, but when I came to the Ship, my Difficulty was still greater to know how to get on board, for as she lay a ground, and high out of the Water, there was nothing within my Reach to lay hold of; I swam round her twice, and the second Time I spy'd a small Piece of a Rope, which I wonder'd I did not see at first, hang down by the Fore-Chains so low, as that with great Difficulty I got hold of it, and by the help of that Rope, got up into the Forecastle of the Ship; here I found that the Ship was bulg'd, and had a great deal of Water in her Hold, but that she lay so on the Side of a Bank of hard Sand, or rather Earth, that her Stern lay lifted up upon the Bank, and her Head low almost to the Water; by this Means all her Quarter was free, and all that was in that Part was dry; for you may be sure my first Work was to search and to see what was spoil'd and what was free; and first I found that all the Ship's Provisions were dry and untouch'd by the Water, and being very well dispos'd to eat, I went to the Bread-room and fill'd my Pockets with Bisket, and eat it as I went about other things, for I had no time to lose; I also found some Rum in the great Cabbin, of which I took a large Dram, and which I had indeed need enough of to spirit me for what was before me: Now I wanted nothing but a Boat to furnish my self with many things which I forsaw would be very necessary to me.
