be aimed at

be aimed at

be aimed at 单语例句

1. But when the production capacity reaches a certain level, economic development should no longer be aimed at expanding it further.

2. The move is believed to be aimed at pornographic content on smaller websites, which are also accused of often charging users without giving sufficient information.

3. But suspicions focused on the Stuxnet worm, the computer virus thought to be aimed at Iran's nuclear program.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The cornerstone of Chinese diplomacy lies in its national interests, and the country's diplomatic initiatives should be aimed at defending its national interests.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. But the motivation to seek membership may be quite different - for example, it can be aimed more at personal advancement and getting ahead of the common people.

6. The processors will be designed for multiple markets, but the company's initial marketing plans only are aimed at cloud and data center servers.

7. Zhou stressed reeducation and reform must be aimed at defusing disharmonious elements in society and fortifying harmonious elements to the maximum extent possible.

8. The US plan to deploy its TMD systems in Eastern Europe is generally considered to be aimed at Russia.

9. The move is aimed at letting the market play a role in helping users be more economical with their energy use and protect the environment.

10. But China's strategic investment in the Middle East should not be aimed at ending the US'traditional influence in the region.
