battle cry

battle cry [ˈbætl krai]  [ˈbætl kraɪ] 

battle cry的翻译

第三人称复数:battle cries

battle cry 基本解释


名词(战斗中的)呐喊助威语; 喊杀声:士兵在战场上呐喊; (尤指政治的)战斗口号; 口号:为某一特定目的而一起工作的一群人使用的一个词或一个短语。

battle cry 网络解释

1. 战斗召唤:15 返回家鄉 Homecoming | 16 戰鬥召喚 Battle Cry | 17 瑞克之夢 Phantasm

2. 战斗口号--戰嚎:Find item--寻找物品--找尋物品; | Battle cry--战斗口号--戰嚎; | Battle orders--战斗号令--戰鬥體制;简称: BO

3. (野蛮人的战嚎技能,简称bc):battle command(野蛮人的战斗指挥技能,简称bc) | battle cry(野蛮人的战嚎技能,简称bc) | Battle Dart(战斗飞镖)

4. 呐喊:battle cruiser 巡洋战舰 | battle cry 呐喊 | battle disposition 战斗部署

battle cry 词典解释

1. (用于鼓励人们支持某项事业或运动的)口号,战斗口号
    A battle cry is a phrase that is used to encourage people to support a particular cause or campaign.

    e.g. Their battle-cry will be: 'Sign this petition before they sign away your country.'

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. (战斗时的)呐喊,喊杀声
    A battle cry is a shout that soldiers give as they go into battle.

battle cry 单语例句

1. GUANGZHOU - Guangdong province sounded a battle cry against water pollution problem areas on World Water Day on Thursday.

2. In fact the largess from the projected growth of the economy is his battle cry!

battle cry 英英释义

battle cry是什么意思


1. a yell intended to rally a group of soldiers in battle

    Synonym: war cry war whoop rallying cry

2. a slogan used to rally support for a cause

    e.g. a cry to arms
           our watchword will be `democracy'

    Synonym: war cry rallying cry cry watchword
