
baton ['bætɒn]  [bəˈtɑn, bæ-, ˈbætn:] 


baton 基本解释


名词接力棒; (警察武器)警棍; (乐队指挥用的)指挥棒

baton 相关例句



1. They threatened to baton him to death.


1. The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.

baton 网络解释

1. 乐队指挥棒:conductor 乐队指挥 | baton 乐队指挥棒 | band 管乐队

2. 短棍面包:新月形面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant | 短棍面包 baton | 棒状面包卷 baton roll

3. 指 挥棒:solfeggio 视唱 | baton 指 挥棒 | orchestra 管弦乐队

4. 接力棒:视频: PLAY | 接力棒 baton | 田径运动员 athlete

baton 词典解释

1. 警棍
    A baton is a short heavy stick which is sometimes used as a weapon by the police.

in AM, use 美国英语用 billy, billy club

2. (乐队或合唱队指挥用的)指挥棒
    A baton is a light, thin stick used by a conductor to conduct an orchestra or a choir.


3. (田径比赛中的)接力棒
    In athletics or track events, a baton is a short stick that is passed from one runner to another in a relay race.

4. (游行队伍中游行者持有的)指挥杖
    A baton is a long stick with a knob on one end that is sometimes carried by a person marching in a parade. The baton is spun round, thrown into the air and caught.

5. 移交权力/接受责任
    If someone passes the baton to another person, they pass responsibility for something to that person. If someone picks up the baton, they take over responsibility for something.

    e.g. Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations?

baton 单语例句

1. As demonstrations continued, police charged baton to disperse the agitating students.


2. The China Philharmonic Orchestra will stage a concert of Rachmaninoff's symphonic and etude works under Shi Shucheng's baton.

3. The music will be performed by the UBS Verbier Festival Orchestra from Sweden under the baton of Claus Peter Flor.

4. He was transferred from a hospital in New Orleans to Baton Rouge General Hospital due to Katrina but his mother's whereabouts were unknown.

5. The Chinese women will take over the baton on Wednesday when they go for gold in team final.

6. Tan Lihua will hold the baton for opening concert by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra.

7. Later he put the weapon back into the holster and took out his baton.

8. baton在线翻译

8. Tadashi may have handed the amity baton to his son, but he didn't miss the chance to visit China once again.

9. Xian Xinyu will take the baton in cooperation with Chinese pianist Wang Yujia.

10. Albert will play the marimba, while Li will take the baton on the podium.

baton 英英释义



1. a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir

    Synonym: wand

2. a hollow cylinder passed from runner to runner in a relay race

3. a hollow metal rod that is wielded or twirled by a drum major or drum majorette

4. a short staff carried by some officials to symbolize an office or an authority


5. a short stout club used primarily by policemen

    Synonym: truncheon nightstick billy billystick billy club
