1. 年<<蝙蝠侠>:莱杰之前的角色与这个发狂的小丑完全靠不上边,所以粉丝都惊诧于他的参演. 一些人认为他太过于年轻,而另一些人认为他根本无法与尼科尔森在1989年<<蝙蝠侠>>(Batman)中滑稽但真诚的表演相比(尽管没能挤入奥斯卡,这 ...
2. 传令兵:batleship 战舰 | batman 传令兵 | baton gun 防暴枪
3. 蝙蝠战机:Frisby 天外飞仙 | BatMan 蝙蝠战机 | Revolution 天旋地转
4. batman:banyan atm architectural network; 榕树
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. (英国军队的)勤务兵
In the British armed forces, an officer's batman is his personal servant.
e.g. ...morning tea brought by his batman.
1. The gunman in Aurora opened fire to people attending a midnight screening of the movie, the third installment of director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.
2. Christian Bale didn't take Batman seriously until he read'Batman Year One'.
3. Christian Bale has revealed that he wants to reprise his role as Batman for a third film.
4. Eddie Murphy is to play The Riddler in the new Batman movie.
5. batman在线翻译
5. To paraphrase a line from the 2008 Batman movie The Dark Knight, a political leader either leaves a hero or governs long enough to become the villain.
6. Police in the US pulled over a motorist dressed as Batman, but the caped crusader escaped - legally - without a ticket.
7. The new Batman movie The Dark Knight is burning up box offices with earnings of more than $ 400 million in US and Canadian ticket sales.
8. But the Batman star managed to make it through the hugely successful movie's premiere in Japan with virtually no comment on his personal problems.
9. His brother is writing the screenplay for a new " Batman " movie, but the director declined to discuss the prospects of an " Inception " sequel.
10. Takeo said making a connection between the police and Batman would help children have a clearer idea of good and bad.
1. batman
1. an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer