
bases [ˈbeɪsi:z]  [ˈbeˌsiz] 


bases 基本解释

名词基地; 基地; 基础; 基础; 根据; 底部; 根据地; 基础( base的名词复数 ); 基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2); 基本( basis的名词复数 ); 基准; (认识论中的)基本原则

bases 网络解释


1. 碱:食品.饮料行业(Food and Beverage):酒类.饮料.饮用水的过滤. 电子工业(Electronics):纯水(Pure water).超纯水的预过滤. 石油及化学工业(Chemicals):各种有机溶剂(Solvents).酸(Acids).碱(Bases)液的过滤.油田注水过滤.

2. 基地:2、如果使用者尝试在基地(Bases)、数据库(Libraries)或系统地图(System Maps)下储存,世界编辑器3、将不再会出现错误讯息. (那些在受限使用者账户下执行窗口的使用者仍会出现讯息).

3. 基质:Baseadsorption基质吸附率 | Bases基质 | Beeswax蜂蜡

4. 碱(化学制剂):9426 卤精(氢氧化铵) spirits of salt | 9427 碱(化学制剂) bases | 9428 烧碱 calcined soda

bases 词典解释
Pronounced /'beɪsɪz/ for meaning 1. Pronounced /'beɪsiːz/ and hyphenated ba|ses for meaning 2. 义项1读作/'beɪsɪz/。义项2读作/'beɪsiːz/,分音节形式为ba|ses。

1. (base的复数)
    Bases is the plural of base.

2. (basis 的复数)
    Bases is the plural of basis.

bases 单语例句

1. Cai suggested more hinterland reserve bases should be built in central and northeast China's oil fields so as to prevent earthquakes and fires.

2. Unlike returns for the first three quarters, the bases for calculating fourth quarter results were lowered significantly because of the economic crisis.

3. bases

3. The Ministry of Commerce said it will offer capital supports in export innovation, international market entrance and technical issues for export for these bases.

4. Asia's social networking sites tend to be country specific but they have very active user bases.

5. The group has also established large manufacturing and research and development bases of refractory materials, carbon and ferroalloy in China.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. I might say I touched all the bases if I did what is necessary to complete a job or activity.

7. Helping people in former revolutionary bases to cast off their poverty has long been a major task of governments at various levels.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Many Western companies have one or more pets living in their compounds, and cats and dogs are often seen on military bases.

9. bases的意思

9. The chain of command runs from the CMC, the Second Artillery Force and missile bases to missile brigades.

10. We should strengthen bases for producing energy, processing minerals and producing petrochemical and coal chemical products.
