
barrage [ˈbærɑ:ʒ]  [bəˈrɑ:ʒ] 






barrage 基本解释

名词弹幕; 阻塞; 拦河坝; 齐射式攻击


barrage 网络解释


1. 弹幕射击:弹幕射击(BARRAGE)持续了3个小时,我们躺在这个沸腾的大锅里熬过了这段莫名漫长的时间. 手表地指针最终指向了10时45分. 三个攻击组弓着腰从掩体里挑出来在出发线集合. 大家校对了手表. 只要炮击一停止,我们就准时在11时发起进攻(GOOVER THE TOP).

2. 火力攻击:前置技能:大地专精一级 解锁技能:火力攻击(Barrage)和火焰曲拱(Flame Arch) 等级 效用 1 [...]近期相关热门文章<<轩辕剑5:一剑凌云山海情>>专区 先驱(ANGUARD) 对付死神时的注意点与但丁差不多,

3. 拦河坝:蓝锥矿;硅鉬鈦矿 benitoite | 拦河坝 barrage | 拦击玻璃 impactite

barrage 词典解释
Pronounced /'bɑːrɪdʒ/ for meaning 4 in American English. 美国英语中义项4读作 /'bɑːrɪdʒ/。

1. 连续的炮火;弹幕;火力网
    A barrage is continuous firing on an area with large guns and tanks.

    e.g. The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire...
    e.g. The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.

2. 接二连三,一连串(的批评、抱怨等)
    A barrage of something such as criticism or complaints is a large number of them directed at someone, often in an aggressive way.

    e.g. He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor.

3. (大批人或事物)包围;使穷于应付
    If you are barraged by people or things, you have to deal with a great number of people or things you would rather avoid.

    e.g. Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen...
    e.g. Hughes was barraged with phone calls from friends who were furious at the indiscreet disclosures.

4. 堰;水坝;拦河坝
    A barrage is a structure that is built across a river to control the level of the water.

    e.g. ...a hydro-electric tidal barrage.

barrage 单语例句

1. A sincere compliment is what's wanted, not a barrage of flowery adjectives.

2. China and Russia have faced a barrage of criticism for vetoing a UN Security Council resolution condemning the crackdown on protests in Syria.

3. Confidentiality clauses in the new patent law raised a barrage of questions from foreign participants.

4. Tuesday's rocket barrage was the first sign the new Hamas line might spell the end of the truce.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Yesterday's rocket attack came a day after Hamas vowed revenge for a barrage of Israeli air strikes that killed five militants in Gaza.

6. Ferrari have been summoned before Formula One's ruling body amid a barrage of criticism of their conduct at Sunday's controversial Austrian Grand Prix.

7. barrage

7. A single phrase sometimes triggers a barrage of flaming insults and threats.

8. It was not immediately clear if the facility was the only target hit in the barrage.

9. Parnitha wildfire in late June are in force for the latest barrage of fires.

10. barrage

10. There was no immediate word from the military on the latest apparent barrage.

barrage 英英释义


1. the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target

    e.g. they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
           the shelling went on for hours without pausing

    Synonym: barrage fire battery bombardment shelling

2. the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)

    e.g. a barrage of questions
           a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake

    Synonym: bombardment outpouring onslaught


1. address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage

    e.g. The speaker was barraged by an angry audience
           The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer

    Synonym: bombard
