
barn [bɑ:n]  [bɑ:rn] 


barn 基本解释

名词牲口棚; 谷仓,粮仓; (公共汽车、卡车等的)车库; 一种特别大且空荡的房屋

barn 网络解释


1. 谷仓:在一个谷仓(barn)里面,很空旷,用来堆放东西. 里面都可以投篮. 一个小孩可厉害了,大概半场左右的距离, 然后越过横梁,他还可以连续投篮命中. 先是吃饭,然后讲了一小点圣经. 主人是普渡毕业的,他说你们可以想象么,他老爸在农场干了43年,

2. 仓:※「一哩之内,可以经过三四家农场,每一家农场都有很大的谷仓(barn),楼下养牲口,楼上储乾草. 旁边又有高而圆的草房(silo)储存草料,以备冬天餵牲口;此外又有鸡舍、猪圈、农机房,以及玉米谷仓. 农田包括玉米田及乾草地,一部分则作为牧场之用.

3. 棚:在书中,风格截然不同的生活画面和文化场景不断地转换,从那个马戏小镇(circus village)的牲口棚(barn),到印度洋(the Indian Ocean)上与惊涛骇浪进行的生死搏斗,从印度神秘的宗教氛围中让人迷离恍惚,似真似幻的情景,

4. 牲口棚:不远的房子是个牲口棚(barn),里面有个母牛抱怨奶油制造机坏了,好象少了个零件,没法做出奶油来. 猫不会修机器,让电流小子在草堆里找找也没发现什么,还是干点别的吧. 这里有桶肥料,或许用的上,拿出我们的奖品--破酒杯来,

barn 词典解释

1. barn的翻译

1. 谷仓;粮仓
    A barn is a building on a farm in which crops or animal food can be kept.

barn 单语例句

1. barn的翻译

1. Two American men pleaded guilty to a breaking and entering charge after stealing a preserved alligator from a private barn.

2. Each house design features a cattle barn in the backyard, which enables the relocated nomad people to feed their own cattle.

3. The barn is owned by Huang Chanyu, a villager of Tianchen Village.

4. He explained that barn feeding allowed him to rear more sheep, because the supply of food could be guaranteed and there were fewer ewes that miscarried.

5. barn的近义词

5. His imperial majesty's slumbers were disturbed by the braying of donkeys from a nearby village and thereafter it was called Donkey Barn Village.

6. Everybody loves spring pig Wilbur that lives to see winter, thanks to a series of webs barn spider Charlotte weaves around him.

7. Apparently hearing that he could clock off and return to the barn, he turned and gave his teddy friend a huge hug.

8. An heard that the four baby cape barn owls were captured in a nearby town and would be killed soon.

9. Agriculture officials believe the worker may have sneezed or coughed near the pigs, possibly in a barn.

10. barn

10. The estate recently erected a barn owl box made by inmates at Spring Hill prison near Bicester in Oxfordshire.

barn 英英释义


1. an outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals

2. (physics) a unit of nuclear cross section
    the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter

    Synonym: b
