
bargainee ['bɑ:ɡɪni:]  ['bɑ:ɡɪni:] 

bargainee 基本解释


bargainee 网络解释

1. 买主:bargain 讨价还价 | bargainee 买主 | bargaining power 议价能力

2. 买主,买方:bargain price 物价 | bargainee 买主,买方 | bargainer 卖主

3. 买主 (名):bargain hunter 四处觅购便宜货者 | bargainee 买主 (名) | bargainer 买卖约定者; 交易者 (名)

bargainee 双语例句

1. The fourth is the theory of guarantee real rights, holding the view that the ownership has been shifted to the bargainee along with delivery and that the right enjoyed by the bargainer is one kind of security interest


2. In the retention of title, the recall right the bargainer exercises is a means to fulfill the obligatory right of money, which affects the interest of both the bargainee and the third party.

3. When court auctions the real estate which beyond the liability limit of debtor's possessions belong to the third ones, they do not distinguish goodwill or malice of the bargainee, and neglect to protect the third ones'real estate property.
