baptismal font

baptismal font

baptismal font 双语例句

1. The reason is that the sea creature is so large that sometimes the shells are used as a baptismal font by some Catholic populations in the South Seas.

2. This chapel has no baptismal font.

baptismal font的翻译

3. According to him the Crusaders did not re-build on Byzantine foundations but straightened out the direction of the church, as is shown by the Byzantine baptismal font which is situated at an angle to the southern wall.

4. Margot, on the other hand, resisted for the two of us with the shriek of a wounded animal and a rebellion of her entire body that godfathers and godmothers barely managed to control over the baptismal font.

5. The Medieval builders were careful to incorporate their understanding of sacred architecture into the design and location of the labyrinths, which were usually placed near the entrance at the west end of the nave, beside the baptismal font at the foot of the Church.
