bank bill

bank bill [bæŋk bil]  [bæŋk bɪl] 

bank bill 基本解释

bank bill的近义词

银行汇票,银行票据; <美>钞票

bank bill 网络解释

1. 银行票,纸币:bank balance 银行(存款)余额 | bank bill 银行票,纸币 | bank's buying rate 银行 购买 汇率

2. 银行票据银行纸币:bank banked 被压火的排成一排的 | bank bill 银行票据;银行纸币 | bank bill 银行票据银行纸币

3. 钞票:44. bad check 空头支票 | 45. bank bill 钞票 | 46. balance sheet 资产平稳表

4. 货币, 银行汇票:arrival bill 货到目的地才向付款人提示的汇票, 到货汇票 | bank bill 货币, 银行汇票 | bankable bill 可贴现票据

bank bill 单语例句

1. Bill issue and repurchase agreement operations are two major quantitative tools for the central bank to adjust the banking industry's liquidity through open market operations.

2. Bill issue and repurchase agreement operation are two major tools for the central bank to adjust the banking industry's liquidity through open market operations.

3. An upward adjustment of central bank bill rates usually foreshadowed a benchmark rate hike in the last inflation cycle starting in 2006.

4. bank bill的反义词

4. Fan said China should make full use of the central bank bill, which is more flexible for commercial banks as a way to regulate market liquidity.

5. The central bank bill is one of the monetary policies used by the central bank to adjust the base currency supply.

6. The central bank previously suspended bill sales on January 24 of this year.

7. bank bill的意思

7. The central bank launched a corporate bill market in May 2005 for debt of one year or less.

8. bank bill的近义词

8. The economic recovery spurred the central bank to nudge up bill yields in open market operations in July.

9. Central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan signaled October 8 that bank reserve requirements and bill sales were sufficient tools to control inflation.

10. Along with the reserve ratio, the central bank has increased rates at bill auctions in the past month.

bank bill 英英释义




1. a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank)

    e.g. he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes

    Synonym: bill note government note banker's bill bank note banknote Federal Reserve note greenback
