
bandwagon [ˈbændwægən]  [ˈbændˌwæɡən] 


bandwagon 基本解释

名词时尚,浪潮; [音乐]乐队彩车; [非正式用语] 引导车; [非正式用语]潮流

bandwagon 相关词组

1. jump on the bandwagon : 支持有获胜把握的竞选人; 参加有成功希望的事业; 倒向胜利者一边; 趋炎附势; clim...;

bandwagon 词典解释

1. 时尚;浪潮
    You can refer to an activity or movement that has suddenly become fashionable or popular as a bandwagon .

    e.g. So what is really happening as the information bandwagon starts to roll?
    e.g. ...the environmental bandwagon.

2. (尤指政客顺应的)时髦,潮流
    If someone, especially a politician, jumps or climbs on the bandwagon, they become involved in an activity or movement because it is fashionable or likely to succeed and not because they are really interested in it.

    e.g. In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon...
    e.g. Many farms are jumping on the bandwagon and advertising organically grown food...

bandwagon 单语例句

1. " Adobe is insisting Microsoft abandon Silverlight and get on the Flash bandwagon, " he said.

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2. A flexible interest rate regime can be used to discourage a large number of business people from rashly jumping onto the investment bandwagon.

3. bandwagon是什么意思

3. To cover their crimes, they have jumped on the sustainable growth bandwagon.

4. Utilities in the US aren't waiting for Washington to jump on the gas bandwagon.

5. bandwagon什么意思

5. " We really hope people don't jump on the bandwagon, " added Chen in Haidian.

6. Plenty of international money is ready to jump on the Chinese bandwagon as well.

7. Its popularity is the result of people wanting to jump on the bandwagon.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Statistics like this have prompted many companies to jump onto the microfilm bandwagon.

9. Some Singaporean companies are already geared up to jump on the panda bandwagon, according to the Jakarta Post.

10. The Kanye West bandwagon is about to roll into town, in Beijing at the Worker's Gymnasium on Saturday and Shanghai two days later.

bandwagon 英英释义


1. a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band

    e.g. the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade

2. a popular trend that attracts growing support

    e.g. when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon
