







bandages 基本解释
绷带( bandage的名词复数 );
bandages 网络解释

1. (绷带):打开它,有清洗液(Cleaning Fluid)、胶布(Adhesive Plaster)、绷带(Bandages)和一些阿斯匹林(Aspirin). 用小刀割下一些电线(Wires). 退出直升飞机(点左上方的箭头符号). 和他分手后,注意你的腿的右边的有一块骨头(Bone Tip)拾起它,

2. 包扎用的绷带:- Medical Alcohol: 医疗消毒用酒精 | - Bandages: 包扎用的绷带 | - Sponging Rag: 沾酒精用来揩拭的海绵

3. 创口贴:你别老是向命令孩子一样命令我 you can't order me around like I'm a child. | 创口贴 bandages | 背靠墙 back pressed against the wall

bandages 单语例句

1. Other key items include wound dressings such as gauze bandages and compresses as well as a clinical thermometer and tweezers.

2. bandages的近义词

2. On the streets of Nazran Tuesday people wandered in a daze, some with improvised bandages on their heads and limbs.

3. bandages的翻译

3. Transparent duct tape was used so patients and doctors would not be able to guess which bandages contained the duct tape.

4. " There was one man with bandages on his face and blood streaming down, " eyewitness Harry Anscombe told BBC News 24 television.

5. bandages的意思

5. Survivors clutched bandages to their heads and faces, and some frantically tried to use their cell phones.

6. Chai even puts his nose close to the burns, when he makes rounds through wards packed with patients in gauze bandages.

7. In keeping with the war theme, all the models'heads were strapped up with bandages with hints of fake blood.

8. His left eye was badly bruised but slightly open and there were no bandages over the line of stitches on his left temple.

9. The lion's bones were not wrapped in linen bandages familiar to human mummies.

10. bandages在线翻译

10. Doctors made urgent calls for medical supplies and neighbouring Argentina has already sent a Hercules transport plane loaded with medication and bandages to Asuncion.
