
balmy [ˈbɑ:mi]  [ˈbɑmi] 

balmy 基本解释

形容词温暖的; 芳香的; (指空气)暖和的; 能止痛的

balmy 相关例句


1. The air was balmy and pleasant.

balmy 网络解释

1. 芳香的:Balmoral 斜纹呢衬裙 | balmy 芳香的 | balneal 洗澡的

2. 有香气的:ballistophobia 飞弹恐怖症 | balmy 有香气的 | baloney 骗人的鬼话

3. 芬芳温和的:breeze 微风 | balmy 芬芳温和的 | sunny 阳光充足的

4. 温和的:awe-inspiring 令人敬畏的 | balmy 温和的 | benevolent 善心的,仁心的

balmy 词典解释

1. (天气)温暖舒适的,温和宜人的
    Balmy weather is fairly warm and pleasant.

    e.g. ...a balmy summer's evening.

balmy 单语例句

1. The balmy weather all year round is irresistible to tourists and some even come to stay.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Dazzling sunshine, balmy breezes and warm blue waters set the stage for an unforgettable cooking lesson.

3. Though located in South China, oftentimes balmy Hong Kong is looking to step up its participation in winter sports.

balmy 英英释义


1. mild and pleasant

    e.g. balmy days and nights
           the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth
           a soft breeze

    Synonym: mild soft

2. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

    e.g. it used to drive my husband balmy

    Synonym: barmy bats batty bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy nuts nutty round the bend around the bend wacky whacky
