
baldhead ['bɔ:ldhed]  ['bɔ:ldhed] 

baldhead 基本解释


baldhead 网络解释

1. 秃头的人:baldfaced 脸有白斑的 | baldhead 秃头的人 | baldheaded 秃头

2. 秃顶:Baldet-John-sonband鲍尔德特-约翰逊谱带 | baldhead秃顶 | baldheadedanticline秃顶背斜

3. 秃头的人, 鸽的一种:baldest /秃头的/真率的/秃的(最高级)/ | baldhead /秃头的人/鸽的一种/ | baldheaded /光头/

baldhead 双语例句

1. Eyes he looked at the total distance, and the distance is only a piece of wilderness, like the helpless baldhead head.

2. If baldhead and face look without any sense meant the dissolution of and escape from the feeling system, then, blue sky and blue sea expressed the feeling of self-emancipation from under the stress at bottom of his heart. That is self-betrayal.

3. The heritabilities of growth period, plant height, ear length, single ear weight were higher. These 4 traits should be selected earlier, and baldhead length, ear diameter, core diameter should be selected in later generation.


4. It does not matter, you did not find any child is now baldhead, right? !

5. He couldn't resist making fun of my baldhead.


6. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead?

7. Once your kid gets used to the idea of wearing a hat most of the time, he or she may not be so concerned about his or her baldhead anymore.

8. He could not resist laughiing at my baldhead.

9. Why you hook me up with that fat- ass baldhead girl?

10. It also has a special relaxative effect on whelk, scar, and baldhead.

11. 'Go on up, you baldhead!'they said.

12. Jah will never give the power to a baldhead!

baldhead 英英释义



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1. a person whose head is bald

    Synonym: baldpate baldy
