1. 胡言乱语:baldaquin 锦缎 | balderdash 胡言乱语 | baldfaced 脸有白斑的
2. 乱七八糟:Get away! Get away!|走开!快走开! | Balderdash!|乱七八糟! | I have given myself the willies.|我是在自己吓自己
3. 胡言乱语, 梦呓:balder /秃头的/真率的/秃的(比较级)/ | balderdash /胡言乱语/梦呓/ | baldest /秃头的/真率的/秃的(最高级)/
1. 胡言乱语;废话;蠢话
If you say that something that has been said or written is balderdash, you think it is completely untrue or very stupid.
e.g. What a load of balderdash!
1. trivial nonsense
Synonym: fiddle-faddle piffle