
balata [bə'lɑ:tə]  [bə'lɑ:tə] 


balata 基本解释

名词巴拉塔树; 巴拉塔树胶

balata 网络解释


1. 巴拉塔树胶:林产品有家具木材、巴拉塔树胶(balata)、糖胶树胶、香草、杀虫剂和药用植物. 结晶岩石富含矿物,但植被稠密,不便勘探. 有金矿及钻石矿开采. 委内瑞拉伊马塔卡山地(Serrania Imataca)主产铁矿. 最著名的天然景物是世界最高的瀑布安赫尔瀑布(AngelFalls),

2. 树胶:林产品有家具木材、巴拉塔树胶(balata)、糖胶树胶、香草、杀虫剂和药用植物. 结晶岩石富含矿物,但植被稠密,不便勘探. 有金矿及钻石矿开采. 委内瑞拉伊马塔卡山地(Serrania Imataca)主产铁矿. 最著名的天然景物是世界最高的瀑布安赫尔瀑布(AngelFalls),

3. 树胶;制造高尔夫球表面的自然或合成化合物:Balance 平衡 | Balata 树胶;制造高尔夫球表面的自然或合成化合物 | Caddie bag 球杆袋

4. 巴拉塔矢:balance rider 游码 | balata 巴拉塔矢 | ball clay 块状粘土

balata 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Balata is a stronghold for the brigades, an armed group in President Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction.

2. He added that another man who was trying to set off explosives near Balata was shot and injured.

3. They said the other was shot dead in the Balata refugee camp by Israeli soldiers who came under fire.

4. The army has been hunting for militants in Balata for three days.

balata 英英释义



1. a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber

    Synonym: balata tree beefwood bully tree Manilkara bidentata

2. when dried yields a hard substance used e.g. in golf balls

    Synonym: gutta balata
