balance of trade

balance of trade [ˈbæləns ɔv treid]  [ˈbæləns ʌv treid] 

第三人称复数:balances of trade

balance of trade 基本解释


balance of trade 网络解释

balance of trade是什么意思

1. 贸易差额:贸易差额(Balance of Trade)是一国在一定时期内(如一年、半年、一季、一月)出口总值与进口总值之间的差额. 一国的进出口贸易收支是其国际收支中经常项目的重要组成部分,是影响一个国家国际收支的重要因素.

2. 国际贸易差额:balance of payments 国际收支差额 | balance of trade 国际贸易差额 | balance sheet 资产负债表

balance of trade 词典解释
balance of trade

1. (一国的)贸易差额
    A country's balance of trade is the difference in value, over a period of time, between the goods it imports and the goods it exports.

    e.g. The deficit in Britain's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds.

balance of trade 单语例句

1. Last year also showed a light surplus in the Venezuelan trade balance with China, reflecting the complementary economies of the two countries.

2. The EU has a considerable adverse balance of trade with China because of the large scale import of consumer goods from China.

3. balance of trade的意思

3. The total trade volume in imports and exports of mineral products reached US $ 160 billion in 2003 in China with the adverse trade balance growing.

4. Seen from the perspective of trade balance, it is advisable to maintain the renminbi exchange rate at a relatively stable level.

5. US controls on export of technology to China have long been in place, and have remained a big issue affecting the trade balance between the two countries.

6. balance of trade

6. To achieve a trade balance, there are two ways of doing so - either cut savings or increase domestic investment.

7. Economic balance and trade will form only a part of the SAED dialogue.


8. The external trade balance is also expected to return to surplus in the month of March.

9. It also called on China to improve the quality of foreign trade sector and to lower import tariffs to promote the nation's trade balance.

10. Experts have called for China to use the weekend's ASEAN summits to balance and harmonize trade relations and maximise the benefits of economic cooperation.

balance of trade 英英释义


1. the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise

    e.g. a nation's balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports

    Synonym: trade balance visible balance trade gap
