
baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]  [ˈbekɪŋ] 



baking 基本解释


名词烘焙,烘烤; 一次烘焙的量

动词烤,烘焙; (将某物)烤硬; 烘干,使灼热

形容词烘烤的; 灼热的

baking 相关例句


1. The chef prepared three bakings this morning.

2. The kitchen was filled with the warm, fragrant odor of her baking.

3. You should set the oven for baking.

baking 网络解释


1. 烘焙:制油产业,将黄豆原油经精炼,更彻底地去除其所含夹杂物而改进其油脂稳定性,以供应油炸(Frying)及烘焙(Baking)之用. 许多加工作业,可供协助尽量减低反型脂肪酸的形成. 其方法之一,就是超级脱胶(Super degumming).

2. 焙:庞大的技能和魔法系统在技能设置种,除了各个职业在第一级就可以使用的共同技能(如烘焙(Baking)、铁匠(Blacksmithing)、酿造(Brewing)、钓鱼(Fishing)、制箭(Fletching等)外,不同的职业还有其特殊技能.

baking 词典解释

1. 炎热的;灼热的
    You can use baking to describe weather or a place that is very hot indeed.

    e.g. ...a baking July day...
    e.g. The coffins stood in the baking heat surrounded by mourners.

baking 单语例句

1. Butter or oil a deep baking pan and place pumpkin wedges in it.

2. While the cake is baking, prepare the candied peel and glaze.

3. Scrub the beets and place in a baking dish or lidded ovenproof casserole.

4. baking在线翻译

4. Place the prepared ramekins on a shallow baking pan or on a large cookie sheet.

5. Place a coriander leaf and a couple of slices of chili on the parchment or baking paper.

6. Two weekends before Christmas is when I dive into the store cupboard and dust off my baking sheets.


7. Baking is a less effective detoxifying method because it can only reduce 10 percent of cyanogenic glycosides.

8. In fact, the ripest peaches will become incredibly juicy after baking.

9. The clay in Yixing appears dark red after baking because of its iron content and various other chemical elements.

10. Mix one part salt with two parts baking soda after pulverizing the salt in a blender or rolling it on a cutting board before mixing.

baking 英英释义


1. baking什么意思

1. cooking by dry heat in an oven


2. making bread or cake or pastry etc.


1. as hot as if in an oven

    Synonym: baking hot
