
bakeshop [ˈbeɪkʃɒp]  [ˈbeɪkʃɑ:p] 

bakeshop 基本解释


bakeshop 网络解释

1. 西点面包店:bakerite 瓷硼钙石 | bakeshop 西点面包店 | bakeware 烘焙用具

2. 面包(糕饼)烘房,面包(糕饼)店:bakery || 面包店 | bakeshop || 面包(糕饼)烘房,面包(糕饼)店 | bakestone || 焙烘炉床, 烘烤用石板

3. 面包厂/西点面包店:bakery /面包店/ | bakeshop /面包厂/西点面包店/ | bakeware /烘焙用具/

bakeshop 双语例句


1. When Joe smells a rib broiling or sees deliciouslooking pastries in a bakeshop, I go into action.


2. I need a member of your team to take your best cupcake to crumbs bakeshop on 8th street.
    我想要一个你们团队的成员带上你们最好的纸杯蛋糕去第8街的 Crumbs 面包店。

3. Then, she saw a path of hearts leading to the town's bakeshop.


4. You could also partner with a local bakeshop or deli and include bread or meat in the basket.

5. The two owners of the bakeshop also have an Amsterdam bed-and-breakfast, Cake Under My Pillow.


6. Jason: Nice to meet you. Welcome to Crumbs bakeshop.
    很高兴见到你们欢迎来到 Crumbs 点心店。


7. They passed the bakeshop, but Cosette did not think of the bread which she had been ordered to fetch.

8. Why not try to eat in Suzhou restaurant, there is one store in Retiro in front of Red Ribbon bakeshop.
    为什么不试试吃在苏州餐厅,有一个存储在retiro 在前面的红丝带店

bakeshop 英英释义


1. a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold

    Synonym: bakery bakehouse
