
backbreaking ['bækˌbreɪkɪŋ]  [ˈbækˌbrekɪŋ] 

backbreaking 基本解释



backbreaking 单语例句

1. backbreaking

1. Media reports said Ai experienced many of the problems that farmers face when migrating to cities for often backbreaking and menial work.

2. Then there are the long poles with which people carry all manner of heavy objects in an effort to lighten backbreaking loads.

3. backbreaking的翻译

3. However, it is morally wrong to look down upon those who engage in backbreaking labor.

4. backbreaking的反义词

4. Nobody wants to be a peasant because they are exploited by all other social strata, including us urban dwellers who pay them pocket change for backbreaking work.

5. They have to do backbreaking work for long hours to feed their families, and get little rest in the crowded migrant workers " camps " they live in.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. We are so glad her son has recovered from leukaemia, and she no longer has to overburden herself with backbreaking medical bills.

7. backbreaking

7. But if pet owners do not register and vaccinate their pet dogs, the workload can prove backbreaking for administrators.

8. Young people in that campaign endured hunger, harsh living conditions and backbreaking labour on collective farms and construction projects.

9. There is a bumper harvest this year for cotton farmers, which means a lot of backbreaking work for cotton pickers like Wang.


10. But these are mere statistics, though they speak of the sincerity and backbreaking efforts of the athletes.

backbreaking 英英释义



1. characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
    especially physical effort

    e.g. worked their arduous way up the mining valley
           a grueling campaign
           hard labor
           heavy work
           heavy going
           spent many laborious hours on the project
           set a punishing pace

    Synonym: arduous grueling gruelling hard heavy laborious operose punishing toilsome
