back off

back off [bæk ɔf]  [bæk ɔf] 

back off 基本解释


back off 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (为避免问题或冲突而)后退,避让,退缩
    If you back off, you move away in order to avoid problems or a fight.

    e.g. They backed off in horror.

2. 放弃,收回(主张、要求、承诺等)
    If you back off from a claim, demand, or commitment that you made earlier, or if you back off it, you withdraw it.

    e.g. A spokesman says the president has backed off from his threat to boycott the conference...
    e.g. The union has publicly backed off that demand.

3. 别插手;别干涉
    If you tell someone to back off, you are telling them to stop interfering.

    e.g. Back off, Mom, I'm old enough to make my own decisions!

back off 单语例句

1. back off在线翻译

1. Following procedure for when an emergency call is cut off, dispatchers called the number back.

2. Warner Bros has scaled back promotions for The Dark Knight Rises, canceling a Paris premiere and calling off appearances by the cast in Mexico and Japan.

3. back off的解释

3. The veteran centre forward shook off a challenge before squaring the ball back to Shao who made no mistake from 12 metres out.

4. Street urchins clung cheekily to the back rail, then jumped off under a bridge.

5. back off的解释

5. She said the needles of real trees fall off easily and it's hard to keep a clean room once they are bought back home.

6. The final " h " was clipped off from 1890 to 1911, but locals fussed so much that city officials put it back.

7. Written off after poor performances in Beijing and the past two Worlds, the Romanians jumped back into contention with a surprise win at the Europeans.

8. You can smell the roses as the mountain breezes cool off the city heat off your back.

9. Chelsea equalised four minutes into the second half with a Michael Ballack free kick which crept in off a post and goalkeeper Tim Howard's back.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Experts said its decision to switch focus back to its traditional namesake restaurants after dabbling in other foods had also paid off.

back off 英英释义



1. move backwards from a certain position

    e.g. The bully had to back down

    Synonym: back up back down

2. remove oneself from an obligation

    e.g. He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved

    Synonym: chicken out pull out back down bow out
