back cut

back cut [bæk kʌt]  [bæk kʌt] 

back cut 基本解释
back cut 网络解释

1. 上口, 追口 顶部切槽, 顶槽:back cushion || 靠背垫(座椅) | back cut || 上口, 追口 顶部切槽, 顶槽 | back cylinder cover || 后缸盖

2. 上口,顶部切槽:back cushion ==> 靠垫 | back cut ==> 上口,顶部切槽 | back cut-off power recorder ==> 反向截止功率记录仪

3. 背后切割:Front Cut:前面切割 | Back Cut:背后切割 | Left Cut:左切割

back cut 单语例句

1. back cut的翻译

1. He began driving a cab a few days a week about three months ago, after his hours were cut back at a former factory job.

2. Following procedure for when an emergency call is cut off, dispatchers called the number back.

3. back cut

3. Transport services in Hong Kong were gradually being cut back, with Dragonair cancelling or rescheduling some flights.

4. To cope with last year's global economic crisis and depressed demand, all three rated port operators in Asia scaled back their capital expenditure and cut costs.

5. back cut

5. The secretary hailed the coalition for being the world's first industry led initiative to cut back emissions by switching fuels that create less pollution.

6. The push into commercial aviation comes despite government orders for carriers to cut back on aircraft purchases.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The government has cut back on import taxes on spare parts of large equipment and canceled the import tariff exemption on some complete sets.

8. back cut

8. Zhang cut his staff to three in November, but he is now back up to a crew of 14.

9. Slackened business has forced property developers to cut back on their advertising budget.

10. I imagined I might cut a dash back in Glasgow in a People's Liberation Army greatcoat.
