
averment [ə'vɜ:mənt]  [ə'vɜ:mənt] 

averment 基本解释


averment 网络解释


1. 断言:averagely 平均地 | averment 断言 | Avernus 阿佛纳斯

2. 申辩:averagecounterpoiseequilibrationevenness 平均 | averment 申辩 | aversive 嫌恶物

3. 事实的陈述:aver 确证;证明;断言 | averment 事实的陈述 | avoidance 无效;废止;避免;回避

4. 事实之陈述;主张;辨正;证明:auctioneer 拍卖人 | auctioneer's request for bids 拍卖人请求投标 | averment 事实之陈述;主张;辨正;证明

averment 双语例句


1. Please sign the letter of statement and averment.

2. W:Please sign the letter of statement and averment.

3. Few days later Darcy letters her in charge of averment himself, which eliminates the prejudice of Elizabeth.

4. Everybody agree them, without Joan, she is having a averment.

5. An averment includes a statement or allegation made in an indictment, presentment, or information.


6. If I do not have a requirement inside 3 days allegation, averment or hold hearing of witnesses, be about to accept punishment.


7. Zhu Guangbing is urgent, although he again and again averment, but the determination that believes without the person he boosts disaster area.

averment 英英释义


1. a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)

    Synonym: assertion asseveration
