
avalanche [ˈævəlɑ:nʃ]  [ˈævəlæntʃ] 


avalanche 基本解释




avalanche 相关例句


1. She was avalanched with invitations.


1. Higher still the snow was ready to avalanche.


1. We received an avalanche of inquiries.

avalanche 网络解释

1. 雪崩效应:切忌停留,告诉自己一格才1.5分,否则后面的空格也都没戏了,那就不是1.5分的问题了,而且听力是第一关,做得不好会影响到正常考试的发挥,所以一定要避免雪崩效应(avalanche)补全答案的时候建议从最后几个空格开始,

2. 电子雪崩:available power 可用功率 | avalanche 电子雪崩 | avalanche action 雪崩酌

3. 雪崩;山崩:rainbow 彩虹 | 23 avalanche 雪崩,山崩 | 24 dew 露水

avalanche 词典解释

1. 雪崩
    An avalanche is a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain.

2. 纷至沓来;蜂拥而至
    You can refer to a very large quantity of things that all arrive or happen at the same time as an avalanche of them.

    e.g. The newcomer was greeted with an avalanche of publicity.

avalanche 单语例句

1. avalanche

1. I try to follow the golden rules when picking stocks and I study the theories and sift through the avalanche of expert advice available.

2. The avalanche late Tuesday night in a remote part of Subei county buried the campsite of the Heicigou Antimony Ore Prospecting Station.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. The avalanche occurred late Tuesday night in a remote part of Subei county, burying the campsite of the Heicigou Antimony Ore Prospecting Station.

4. avalanche

4. Besides the " avalanche of meetings ", there is the " mountain of documents " to navigate.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. With the media avalanche, local authorities were compelled to employ the Peking University graduate as an archivist.

6. There is only one thing worse than a debt overhang, and that is an avalanche.

7. He was buried under an avalanche shortly after noon, while his fellow skiers were unharmed.

8. Think of it as stoicism in the face of unwanted media avalanche.

9. " It's sort of like going through an avalanche, " Patterson said.

10. The TMA official said avalanche was presumed the cause of the tragedy as the rescue team found traces of snowslide near the accident spot.

avalanche 英英释义



1. a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things

    e.g. the program brought an avalanche of mail

2. a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain


1. gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow

    Synonym: roll down
