autumn begins

autumn begins

autumn begins 基本解释
autumn begins 网络解释

autumn begins是什么意思

1. 立秋:...立秋(autumn begins) 中国农历二十四节气之一,在8月7、8或9日. 我国以立秋为秋季的开始. 每年8月7日或8日视太阳到达黄经135°时为立秋 . << ...

2. 大暑 Great heat. 立秋:小暑 Slight heat. | 大暑 Great heat. 立秋 Autumn begins. | 处暑 Stopping the heat.

3. 秋处露秋寒霜降: 立秋:大暑 Great heat. | 秋处露秋寒霜降: 立秋 Autumn begins. | 处暑 Stopping the heat.

autumn begins 双语例句

autumn begins

1. My story begins one autumn several years ago when I started my first year at a junior high school.

autumn begins的解释

2. Why? Because life deserves to be celebrated, and as autumn begins, it's a great time to remind yourself of everything you love about the world around you.

autumn begins的意思

3. As seen from neighboring Vermont, autumn begins to sprinkle the White Mountains of New Hampshire with color.

4. The period before and after autumn begins was suitable season for bud grafting.

5. They were sping begins, summer begins, autumn begins and winter begins respectively, weren't they?
    Lisa :它们分别是立春、立夏、立秋和立冬,对吧?

6. The school year begins in autumn.

7. From theoretic tell, england from this year autumn begins, can use freeboard fast network.

8. Autumn shoot occurring begins in middle August;

autumn begins

9. The autumn term begins in September and ends in December.

10. " yes, " his mother said. " The end of autumn is when the winter begins. "

autumn begins 单语例句

1. The news comes less than a week before the party's autumn conference begins in Bournemouth.
