
authoritarian [ɔ:ˌθɒrɪˈteəriən]  [əˌθɔ:rəˈteriən] 


比较级:more authoritarian

最高级:most authoritarian


authoritarian 基本解释


形容词独裁主义的; 权力主义的

名词权力主义者,专制者,独裁者; 独裁主义者

authoritarian 网络解释


1. 独裁式;独裁;专制:authorised capital 注册股本;法定股本 | authoritarian 独裁式;独裁;专制 | authority 权力;职权

2. 独裁的:authoritative实力的 | authoritarian独裁的 | -tarian表达坏的词缀的

3. 专制的:authoritarian 尚權 | authoritarian 專制的 | authoritarianism 權威主義

authoritarian 词典解释

1. 专制的;独裁的
    If you describe a person or an organization as authoritarian, you are critical of them controlling everything rather than letting people decide things for themselves.

    e.g. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.

authoritarian 单语例句

1. authoritarian什么意思

1. Pinochet defended his authoritarian rule as a crusade to build a society free of communism.

2. The Arab Spring forced authoritarian regimes to give up power in some North African countries.

3. Anderson was vilified by opposition supporters as part of a political vendetta by an increasingly authoritarian president who controls key institutions such as the courts.

4. Domestic opponents have criticized him for an authoritarian style that brooks no dissent, for continuing human rights abuses and for failing to tackle poverty and unemployment.


5. More irritating is the fact that religious violence has thrived ever since the country moved toward democracy after three decades of authoritarian rule.

6. China began to introduce market forces into its economy in 1978, though it retained strict authoritarian control over civil society.

7. Gay rights activists and bloggers say MacMaster's deceit has endangered real people who are trying to tell their stories in authoritarian societies.

8. The hope that Turkey is finally shedding its authoritarian vestiges and becoming a stable democracy will lie in tatters.

9. Israel must now be well aware that new democratic governments will not tolerate a situation that was acceptable to authoritarian Arab regimes.

10. Clinton on Thursday called for China and other authoritarian governments to lift their restrictions on citizens'use of the Internet.

authoritarian 英英释义


1. a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner

    e.g. my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime

    Synonym: dictator


1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
    having absolute sovereignty

    e.g. an authoritarian regime
           autocratic government
           despotic rulers
           a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
           a tyrannical government

    Synonym: autocratic dictatorial despotic tyrannic tyrannical

2. expecting unquestioning obedience

    e.g. the timid child of authoritarian parents
           insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter

    Synonym: dictatorial overbearing
