1. 正在验证:authenticated 已验证 | authenticating 正在验证 | authentication 验证
2. 正在证实:authenticated 已证实 | authenticating 正在证实 | authentication scheme 证实方案
3. 身份验证:audit log 审核日志 | authenticating 身份验证 | authentication 认证机制
4. 鉴别中:已鉴别转信 authenticated turn | 鉴别中 authenticating | 鉴别,鉴定,鉴认 authentication
1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. Foreign affairs offices of local people's governments authorized by the Department of Consular Affairs can apply to foreign consulates in China for authenticating such documents.
2. Munroe said the process of authenticating Smith's will could take from a year to 18 months and he declined to name the executor.
3. Board members said the benefits of authenticating did not outweigh the risk of being sued.
4. The media cannot give any excuse for not authenticating news before publishing or broadcasting them.
5. Leisinger says the library contacted his foundation for help authenticating the work.
6. Wang complained that admissions employees often experience difficulties in authenticating applicants'diplomas.