
auspices [ˈɔ:spɪsɪz]  [ˈɔspɪˌsiz] 


auspices 基本解释


名词预兆; 主办,赞助; 支持,保护; 鸟卜者

auspices 网络解释

1. 主办:auspice 赞助 | auspices 主办 | auspicial 占卜的

2. 预兆:Ausfrage method 補充詢問法 | auspices 預兆 | aussage experiment 報告精確度實驗

3. 援助;赞助;保护:at stake 危险;风险 | auspices 援助;赞助;保护 | avert 转移;避免

4. 支持:augment增加 | auspices支持 | auspicious有希望的

auspices 词典解释

1. auspices的意思

1. 在…的赞助(或支持)下
    If something is done under the auspices of a particular person or organization, or under someone's auspices, it is done with their support and approval.

    e.g. ...a walk in support of Forests of the World, under the auspices of the World Wildlife Fund.
    e.g. ...a peace conference under United Nations auspices.

auspices 单语例句

1. auspices在线翻译

1. There were in fact organizations set up after September 11 to deal with terrorism, under the auspices of the United Nations.

2. auspices的意思

2. In terms of the signals sent by Western countries on interfering in Syria, the ambassador said China supports resolving the unrest under the auspices of the Arab League.

3. auspices是什么意思

3. It is being flown under the auspices of the US Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.

4. Send all such cigars smoking factories back to those EU nations and USA on fair trading ground as in observance of WTO and WHO auspices.

5. Their overseas relief and humanitarian missions under United Nations'auspices are currently outside of the defence forces'core activities.

6. auspices

6. Hamas'previous refusal to allow the CEC to operate delayed the broader agreement that it reached with Fatah under Qatari auspices in February.

7. auspices

7. Such an entity could be run by a consortium of national militaries or space agencies, possibly under UN auspices.

8. European Union countries fear the Bush plan could sabotage efforts to produce a successor to the Kyoto Protocol under the auspices of the United Nations.

9. A reform is underway to turn environmental impact assessment agencies into enterprises, which will not be under the auspices of the government.

10. The NFL also expressed a willingness for mediation on Thursday, but under the auspices of federal mediator George Cohen in Washington.

auspices 英英释义


1. kindly endorsement and guidance

    e.g. the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council

    Synonym: protection aegis
