
aura [ˈɔ:rə]  [ˈɔrə] 


aura 基本解释

名词光环; 气氛; 气味; [医](中风等的)预兆

aura 网络解释


1. 优雅:现在我用的是B&W的CM-2书架箱,雅马哈DSP-AX2做AV,前些天败了一台 优雅(AURA)的P-100纯后级准备兼顾一下HIFI,结果由于后级的问题升级失败,还白白损失了一些弹药.

2. 气氛:[28] 在<<戏梦人生>>中,这De-acpusmatization时刻(李天禄突然出现在银幕上的瞬间),则是将李天禄全知(omniscient)、全能(omnipotent)和全在(omnipresent)的旁白声音,固定和局限于一个具体的身体,丧失或减弱旁白所具有的神秘气氛(aura)和控制影像的能力;令一方面,

3. aura:audience reaction assessment; 观众反应评估

aura 词典解释

1. 气质;气氛;氛围
    An aura is a quality or feeling that seems to surround a person or place or to come from them.

    e.g. She had an aura of authority.

aura 单语例句

1. aura的反义词

1. And childlike behaviour can keep them from enjoying the aura that Pitt and Aniston have.

2. aura什么意思

2. Aura was designed to determine the composition of Earth's atmosphere in unprecedented detail.

3. aura

3. It has an almost historical aura and even the name suggests an ailment from an earlier era.

4. He had this air of confidence that gave him an aura of respect.

5. Wisps of incense swirled in the air in front of the main hall, adding a solemn and mysterious aura to the ancient place and the sacred ritual.

6. Most of the foreign ideas of China are often engulfed by an aura of mystique.

7. aura的翻译

7. Because it is the only mystical beast in the zodiac barnyard and it also bears the aura of aristocracy.

8. aura什么意思

8. " She seemed to have an aura about her, " Axelrod said.

9. aura什么意思

9. But Jane was more sophisticated and oozed street cred and carried an aura of sadness, partly because she once sang in nightclubs to pay for her school fees.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Last year her rivals took to the court with her with trepidation, but her aura has diminished as she has yet to progress beyond the fourth round.

aura 英英释义



1. aura是什么意思

1. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing

    e.g. an air of mystery
           the house had a neglected air
           an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
           the place had an aura of romance

    Synonym: air atmosphere

2. aura在线翻译

2. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint

    Synonym: aureole halo nimbus glory gloriole

3. a sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure
