
aunt [ɑ:nt]  [ænt] 



aunt 基本解释


名词阿姨; 舅妈; 姨母,姑妈; 婶娘

aunt 相关例句


1. Aunt Lena has just left for America.

aunt 情景对话



A:Hey, Olaf, is this a picture of you?

B:That’s a good guess, but actually that’s my brother.

A:But, he looks just like you!

B:Maybe that’s because we’re twins!

A:I see. Who else is in the picture?

B:The person to my twin brother’s left is his wife, Susan.

A:Do they have any children?

B:They just have one son named David. He’s the little one over there wearing the red sweater.

A:Oh, he’s very cute. Who is the woman next to Susan?

B:That’s my older sister, Frederique.

A:Is she married?

B:No, but she’s been dating the same guy for five years. He’s the guy with the glasses behind her.

A:He’s cute. What about your parents? Are they in the picture, too?

B:No, the older couple in the picture is my aunt Mary and my uncle Joseph.

A:Why aren’t you in that picture?

B:I was taking it!

aunt 网络解释

1. 伯母:很多的个体名词人们常用英语表达,如:有关亲属的名词:父亲(daddy)、母亲(mummy)、伯母(aunt)、叔叔(uncle有关动植物的名词:狗(Dog)、苹果(apple),还有众所周知的SARS;某些生活用品:钢笔(pen),鼠标(mouse),打印机(Printer

2. 阿姨:住在天河(milk way)边的仙女的皮肤->奢侈bleak 荒凉的--仅仅是不(b)漏雨(leak)也是荒凉的gaunt 憔悴的,苍白的--鬼(g)阿姨(aunt)的脸色苍白憔悴,考GRE(g)的阿姨/姑姑(aunt)脸色憔悴vaunt 吹牛--五个(v)姑姑/大娘(aunt)在一起吹牛flair 天赋,

3. 姑妈:--by 安慰剂(placebo)(h)看做一个人在走->姑妈(aunt)的样子总在我心头走来走去(h)->萦绕心头/欧洲(eur)的国家像姑妈一样走来走去->显得傲慢/因为胜利了(V)就像姑妈一样吹嘘,

4. 姑姑:小龙女,为了引人注 目而炫耀 haunt 常来常往的地方, 鬼神出 没的地方--姑姑 (aunt) (h) 家 是常来常往的地方 jaunt 短途旅行--短途旅行 回来,去接(j)姑姑(aunt) daunt 恐吓,威胁--打(d) 姑姑(aunt)->威胁 saunter 闲逛,

aunt 词典解释

1. 姨妈;姑妈;伯母;舅妈
    Someone's aunt is the sister of their mother or father, or the wife of their uncle.

    e.g. She wrote to her aunt in America...
    e.g. It was a present from Aunt Vera.

aunt 单语例句


1. Decorate your cake a day or two before the actual festivities and I assure you, the fruitcakes will disappear faster than anyone can say " Aunt Bettina "!

2. Catling said she didn't learn many of the details of her aunt's espionage career until after her death.

3. Her aunt first visited Chen's family last year and was surprised to see that the girl's face was seriously deformed.

4. The victim told police she was afraid of her aunt's reaction if she tried to fight back or scream during the alleged attacks.

5. After next hearing the disc Essential Pavarotti 2, he followed an aunt's suggestion and began studying singing.

6. aunt

6. And it happened to be the same night his aunt was discharged by the police.

7. Ping Ping settled on a classmate's aunt who was pretty and discrete after visiting the classmate's home.

8. aunt是什么意思

8. Summer Teng cannot remember how often she has been told she looks like her aunt, the late Taiwan pop diva Teresa Teng.

9. Rahman's body was found by his aunt hanging in the kitchen doorway early Thursday.

10. But his reform failed in a coup launched by the conservative Empress Dowager Cixi, the widow of Emperor Xianfeng and aunt of Guangxu.

aunt 英英释义


1. the sister of your father or mother
    the wife of your uncle

    Synonym: auntie aunty
