
augur [ˈɔ:gə(r)]  [ˈɔɡɚ] 






augur 基本解释


不及物动词占卜; 成为预兆

名词(古罗马的)占兆官; 占卜师,预言者

augur 相关例句


1. Higher pay augurs a better future.

2. Does this unfortunate news augur war in the near future?


1. This rain augurs well for this year's harvest.

augur 网络解释

1. 占卜者:拍下盗公款(peculate),向外同接触(osculate)桌前不可入(inscrutable高深莫测的),可入到tiny(scrutiny详细审查),金桌活画面(tableau),金盘是高原(plateau),金哥占卜者(augur),e加螺丝钻(auger)里面四牛在暗示(insinuate),

2. 占卜师:虽然如此,最高祭司(''pontifex maximus'')和占卜师(''augur'')依然拥有很高的政治地位. 恺撒就利用他最高祭司的地位来对其他祭司施加政治影响. 奥古斯都大帝改革和重建了老的宗教系统,他本人是将所有的祭司职务集于一身.

3. 占卜:邪恶阵营萨满可以自发施展造成伤害(inflict)法术领域(Domain):德鲁伊选择元素(Elements)和精神(Spirits)领域.第1级:占卜(Augur)(类法术):萨满可以如同类法术般施展法术占卜(Augury)每天一次,

augur 词典解释

1. augur

1. 主(吉或凶);预兆
    If something augurs well or badly for a person or a future situation, it is a sign that things will go well or badly.

    e.g. The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change...
    e.g. Already there were problems. It didn't augur well.

augur 单语例句

1. A private media company sees the country as a promising market for Chinese films and believes cultural similarities augur well for its ambitious plans.

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2. And let the new snow not deter anybody from going home, and instead augur an auspicious lunar new year for all.

3. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz of neighboring Pakistan said the elections " augur well " for Afghanistan.

4. But its recent postponement without a decision on a firm date does not augur well for the improvement of bilateral relations.

5. A moderate slowdown in growth will augur well for the environment and the country's drive to seek a more efficient growth mode.

6. The statistics augur well for a partnership that should get its first competitive workout in Liege.

7. US President Barack Obama's plan to limit risk trading by American banks may also not augur well for the Chinese markets.


8. This does not augur well for a country like China that is the biggest manufacturing base in the world.

9. That would augur bad for the Chinese economy, which relies heavily on exports for its growth.

10. But some local governments'attempts to meet their green goals do not augur well for the future.

augur 英英释义


1. (ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policy

    Synonym: auspex


1. indicate by signs

    e.g. These signs bode bad news

    Synonym: bode portend auspicate prognosticate omen presage betoken foreshadow foretell prefigure forecast predict

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2. predict from an omen
