
attend [əˈtend]  [əˈtɛnd] 








attend 基本解释

不及物动词出席; 致力于,献身于; 侍候,照顾; 关注

及物动词出席,参加; [常用被动语态](作为结果、情况)伴随; 照顾; 陪伴

attend 相关例句


1. The school was attended almost entirely by local children.

2. There was no one to attend him but Tina.

3. Which doctor is attending you?

4. He did not attend the meeting yesterday.


1. I'll attend to the matter.

attend 情景对话


A:I‘m sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.

B:I‘m sorry to hear that.

A:I have pressing business to attend to .

B:No problem. we‘ll make it later in the month .

attend 网络解释


1. 参加:格林先生是一个好动(active)的人. 他喜欢(enjoy)各种活动:他常常和学生一同交谈,一起打篮球. 在周末,他常到海上钓鱼. 他现在能说一些汉语. 他有许多中国朋友. 这个星期六,他的朋友将邀请他去参加(attend)一场中国民族音乐会(concert).

2. 照顾:不过途中却晕倒了,我醒来的时候已经有人照顾(attend)他了,对方是一个医生(physician),他手中暴露出(expose药物上次说到遇到了空难,后来飞机落到了一个主题公园(theme park).

3. 注意:Herbart)(3)斯宾赛(Spencer)(4)福禄贝尔(Froebel)30.教师在示范教学时,有四个步骤要学生牢记,包括A告诉他们注意(attend)这项技巧的成分,D在学生面前表现出(do)每一个步骤,M要求学生记忆(memorize)步骤,S对学生陈述(say)每一个步骤,

4. 加:格林先生是一个好动(active)的人. 他喜欢(enjoy)各种活动:他常常和学生一同交谈,一起打篮球. 在周末,他常到海上钓鱼. 他现在能说一些汉语. 他有许多中国朋友. 这个星期六,他的朋友将邀请他去参加(attend)一场中国民族音乐会(concert).

5. attend:attendant; 空中服务员

attend 词典解释

1. 出席;参加
    If you attend a meeting or other event, you are present at it.

    e.g. Thousands of people attended the funeral...
    e.g. The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries...

2. 去(学校、教堂等);上(学)
    If you attend an institution such as a school, college, or church, you go there regularly.

    e.g. They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.

3. 处理,料理(事情);照顾,护理(受伤的人)
    If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone who is hurt or injured, you care for them.

    e.g. The staff will helpfully attend to your needs...
    e.g. There are more pressing matters to be attended to today...

attend 单语例句

1. The man told the escorts he had to leave immediately because he had some urgent business to attend to.

2. Zhao Benshan is one of a growing number of celebrities who attend business management programs.

3. attend是什么意思

3. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.

4. Fang said his lawyer will act for him in court and he will not attend.

5. The girl's father said she was missing class at school to attend the meeting and Obama obliged by writing a note of absence.


6. Superdelegates are party leaders who attend the convention delegates by virtue of their positions, and are not selected in primaries and caucuses.

7. attend的意思

7. No further disciplinary action is expected following the FA's investigation of the alleged tunnel incident, although both clubs have been invited to attend a peace meeting.

8. The State Council Development and Research Centre and a group of cabinet ministers will attend the event.

9. An official crowd estimate was unavailable, but tens of thousands of people typically attend what organizers dub California's largest public event.

10. The Cambridge University professor was in Beijing to attend a recent conference on China's public finance organized by Peking University's School of Economics.

attend 英英释义


1. give heed (to)

    e.g. The children in the audience attended the recital quietly
           She hung on his every word
           They attended to everything he said

    Synonym: hang advert pay heed give ear

2. work for or be a servant to

    e.g. May I serve you?
           She attends the old lady in the wheelchair
           Can you wait on our table, please?
           Is a salesperson assisting you?
           The minister served the King for many years

    Synonym: serve attend to wait on assist

3. take charge of or deal with

    e.g. Could you see about lunch?
           I must attend to this matter
           She took care of this business

    Synonym: take care look see

4. be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.

    e.g. She attends class regularly
           I rarely attend services at my church
           did you go to the meeting?

    Synonym: go to

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result

    e.g. Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation
