atomic number 14

atomic number 14

atomic number 14 双语例句

atomic number 14

1. Atomic number 1; atomic weight 1.00797; melting point -259.14=C; boiling point -252.8=C; density at 0=C 0.08987 gram per liter; valence 1.See table at element
    原子序数为1;原子量为1.00797;熔点为-259.14=C;沸点-252.8=C;零度时的密度是0.08987克/公升;原子价为1参见 element

2. Products Introduction: Silicon cycle, the department of the first type IV elements, is a non-metallic element, atomic number 14, atomic weight 28.80; density of 2.33g/m3; melting point of 1410 ℃; boiling point of 2355 ℃; resistively for 2140Ω.M; includes two types of stereotypes and crystal allotrope.
    硅周期系第 IV 类元素,是非金属元素,原子序数14,原子量为28.80;密度为2.33g /m3;熔点为1410℃;沸点为2355℃;电阻率为2140Ω。m ;有无定型和晶体两种同素异形体。
