at the mercy of

at the mercy of [æt ðə ˈmə:si ɔv]  [æt ði ˈmɚsi ʌv] 

at the mercy of 基本解释

at the mercy of


at the mercy of 相关例句

at the mercy of是什么意思


1. She was at the mercy of her cruel husband.

2. A sailor is at the mercy of the weather.

at the mercy of 网络解释

at the mercy of的翻译

1. 在......支配下:not to mention 更不必说 . | at the mercy of 在...支配下 . | have mercy on 对...表示怜悯 .

2. 任凭...摆布:at the cost of 以...为代价 | at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 | at the moment 此刻,目前

3. 在...支配下;任由...摆布:毫不容情地;残忍地 without mercy | 在...支配下;任由...摆布 at the mercy of | 圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas!

4. 完全受...支配,听命于:at sea 茫然,不知所措 | at the mercy of 完全受...支配,听命于 | at the moment 此刻

at the mercy of 单语例句

1. People are not at the mercy of the body's adaptive inadequacies, however.

2. But it needs export markets to stay vibrant at a time when its import bill is at the mercy of commodity prices.

3. at the mercy of的反义词

3. About 52 per cent of China's furniture exports target the United States, which leaves the industry at the mercy of the ups and downs of that market.

4. All these groups were known to have been at the mercy of not more than 200 wealthy families and a handful of powerful temples.

5. Although it has reaped bumper harvests for eight successive years, most of farmers are still at the mercy of the elements.

6. While landlocked countries endure the onslaught of deserts, many " maritime nations " are at the mercy of rising sea levels and torrential rain.

7. " Most of the time we're traveling at the mercy of luck, " Xia said.


8. And without a shop for shelter, he is at the mercy of the elements when he works each evening.

9. Many see US politics as corrupt and its democracy at the mercy of those who have the most money.

10. at the mercy of的反义词

10. Living at the mercy of the weather, they resort to slash and burn farming.
