at long last

at long last [æt lɔŋ lɑ:st]  [æt lɔŋ læst] 

at long last 基本解释

终于; 总算; 经过很多苦恼或麻烦之后; 算

at long last 网络解释

1. 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底:一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over? | 泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, At long last, | 没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子. No king rules forever, my son.

2. 终于:Every living thing is waiting.|所有的生命都在等待 | At long last,|终于 | the sun makes its first appearance over the horizon.|太阳在地平线上露出了它的第一缕阳光

3. 最后;终于:21.At best 至多/最高(多)可能/充其量 | 22.At long last 最後/終於 | 50.In addition 另外

4. 好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁:240. make great strides大有进步, 进展迅速, 大跃进 | 241. at long last好容易才:经过一段长期而艰辛的等待或耽搁 | 242. sweep away v. 一扫而空

at long last 单语例句

1. at long last

1. At long last, it seems the cold and heat have balanced out.

2. Federal scientists have documented the largest population of grizzly bears in Montana, a sign that the threatened species could be at long last on the rebound.

3. Although the cultural shock hinders their relations, they are in love at long last.

4. That's the largest population of grizzly bears documented there in more than 30 years, and a sign that the species could be at long last recovering.

5. Modern science has at long last come up with an explanation for this piece of Sufi wisdom.

6. At long last, underground electronic music has ceased to float from party to party and venue to venue.

7. If the international community recognizes the stakes and musters the resources, we can win the war against polio at long last and forever.

8. Qin said at a press conference last Wednesday that he has long dreamed of putting on a concert of Mozart's works.

9. at long last的意思

9. Trading sources at Estonian terminals said yesterday they believed the new ban would not last long again.

10. She recounted their last day at the White House, waltzing down a long hallway in her husband's arms.

at long last 英英释义

at long last


1. as the end result of a succession or process

    e.g. ultimately he had to give in
           at long last the winter was over

    Synonym: ultimately finally in the end at last
