at liberty

at liberty [æt ˈlibəti]  [æt ˈlɪbəti] 

at liberty 基本解释

at liberty的反义词

不受限制或支配; <正>获许可的,有权的; 自由自在

at liberty 相关例句


1. You're at liberty to go wherever you like.

2. You are now at liberty to leave any time.

3. I'll be at liberty this afternoon.

at liberty 情景对话


B:Was our bid accepted ?

A:No ,I ‘m sorry .it wasn‘t .

B:Can you tell me why ?

A:Sorry ,but I‘m not at liberty to reveal that information.

at liberty 网络解释

at liberty的近义词

1. 自由:其他人(比如罗尔斯,1971)的说法则始终是自由(liberty). 据我所知,坚持这种术语差别毫无意义. 在以下的整个讨论中,我都是按照个人的体会不受约束(free)或自由(at liberty)地处理这两个术语,把它们视为确切相当的同义语,并交替使用它们.

2. 自由,有权(做某事闲着:at leisure 有空闲,闲着的;从容地,慢慢地 | at liberty 自由,有权(做某事闲着 | at stake 关系到...的得失;在危险中

3. 有权,随意:at intervals of 每隔 | at liberty 有權,隨意 | at the sight of 一見到

at liberty 单语例句

1. at liberty

1. Another involved whether Hong Kong is " at liberty to depart from the rule or policy on state immunity ".

2. Citizens are at liberty to exercise or renounce their rights, but under no circumstances can they violate other people's rights.

3. at liberty的近义词

3. The shooting took place around 2 pm local time at Camp Liberty, a sprawling base located next to Baghdad airport.

4. A person who answered the phone at a Liberty Tours office said the company would be releasing a statement.

5. By encouraging liberty at home, we will build a more hopeful America.

6. If it's freedom and liberty, look at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

7. The liberty of opinion and speech now available in China doesn't justify at all the fact of Naomi having recourse to anonymity.
