at first hand

at first hand [æt fə:st hænd]  [æt fɚst hænd] 

at first hand 基本解释
at first hand 网络解释

at first hand在线翻译

1. 第一手地, 直接地:at hand 在手边, 在附近;即将到来, 即将发生 | at first hand 第一手地, 直接地 | at no hand 无论如何也不, 决不

2. 直接:an old hand内行, 过来人 | at first hand直接 | at hand在手边, 在附近

3. 直接地:at first glance || 乍看 | at first hand || 直接地 | at first hand || 第一手地, 直接地>

4. 得自直接的体验;从有直接经验的人那里获知:lend a hand in帮忙,参加 | at first hand得自直接的体验;从有直接经验的人那里获知 | at hand近处;即将到来

at first hand 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Star of " Bewitched " went public with boyfriend Keith Urban for the first time by holding hand with him at the 2006 Grammy awards.

2. Xia won her first award for a painting she did with her left hand at the age of 10.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Poland's first science center in Warsaw offer visitors a chance to experience scientific phenomena at first hand.

4. " Each panel took me three hours and I would do them by hand at first, " he admits.

5. at first hand的意思

5. He first tried his hand at shooting 16 years ago, when the Games were held in Beijing.

6. Wen first tried his hand at baseball with students at Kyoto's Ritsumeikan University during his visit to Japan in April last year.

7. at first hand是什么意思

7. This is not the first time Starbucks has tried its hand at selling Chinese products.

8. And just the first step in making your own pasta by hand, at home.

9. The intruder had a hammer in his hand and at first tried to deny he had been breaking in.

at first hand 英英释义


1. from the original source

    e.g. I heard this story firsthand

    Synonym: firsthand
