
astronomical [ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkl]  [ˌæstrəˈnɑ:mɪkl] 

astronomical 基本解释

形容词天文学的; 极大的

astronomical 相关例句


1. Astronomical sums of money will be needed for this river tunnel plan.

2. Astronomical sums of money will be needed for this project.

astronomical 网络解释

1. 庞大的,天文的:3. entourage 随行人员,伴随者,近侍;建筑物周围 | 4. astronomical 庞大的,天文的 | 5. adulation 奉承

2. 天文的:solid waste 固体垃圾 | astronomical 天文的 | astronomical observatory 天文台

3. 天文学的:7) orbit 运行轨道 | 8) astronomical 天文学的 | 9) generate 产生

4. 天文的天体的:astronomical 天文的 | astronomical 天文的天体的 | astronomical 天文学的

astronomical 词典解释

1. (数量,尤指费用)极其巨大的,天文数字的
    If you describe an amount, especially the cost of something as astronomical, you are emphasizing that it is very large indeed.

    e.g. Houses in the village are selling for astronomical prices...
    e.g. The cost will be astronomical.

He was astronomically wealthy...
House prices had risen astronomically.

2. astronomical

2. 天文学的;天体的
    Astronomical means relating to astronomy.

    e.g. ...the British Astronomical Association.

astronomical 单语例句

1. An astronomical amount of private capital lies idle because there are few projects suitable for private investment.

2. It is the fruit of our stargazers'collective endeavours to unveil the astronomical mysteries around us.


3. The Bush administration took the opportunity born of the war on terror to gain public support for an astronomical defense budget of nearly $ 500 billion.

4. astronomical在线翻译

4. Navigating by compass and astronomical readings, Zheng's fleet visited more than 30 countries and regions in Asia and Africa including Kenya.

5. There are also the Planetarium for exhibition of Copernicus astronomical works and the Nicholas Copernicus University.

6. Ding said three books about the country's first lunar probe have already been published to promote astronomical and aerospace knowledge.

7. It must also deal with the effect of smoking on the nation's health and the astronomical medical expanses.

8. China's economy has been expanding at an astronomical rate with near double digit GDP growth over the past two decades.

9. astronomical的翻译

9. It has been reported that the doggie population in Beijing has reached an astronomical figure.

10. " The economic value is going to be astronomical, " he said.

astronomical 英英释义



1. inconceivably large

    Synonym: astronomic galactic

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. relating or belonging to the science of astronomy

    e.g. astronomic telescope

    Synonym: astronomic
