
astrology [əˈstrɒlədʒi]  [əˈstrɑ:lədʒi] 

astrology 基本解释


名词占星术; 占星学; 原始天文学

astrology 相关例句



1. I had always supposed that astrology was his particular hobby.

astrology 网络解释

1. 占星术:但又不遵循科学方法的知识或理论. 伪科学貌似科学,但无法用科学方法予以检验. 在西方,骨相学(Phrenology),占星术(astrology)等被认为是典型的伪科学. 19世纪卡尔.波普尔提出可证伪性(falsifiability)是区分科学与非科学(包括伪科学)的标准.

2. 占星学:占星学(Astrology)来源于古希腊,它讲的是星星之间的逻辑,而这些逻辑是多角度、多方面的. 占星学是科学还是迷信,从未对它有过研究的人或许没有回答这个问题的权力. 科学是人类去发现更多真相的工具,而占星术也有相同的出发点,

3. 星座:>>sppa一个问题引发道释儒/智慧之花(Wisdom)版众网友讨论热潮星座(Astrology)再说天秤,星座配对之天秤篇,信不信由你. 美食天地(Food)笑侃食量,原来能吃的不是少数;圣诞节有MM相笑口常开(Joke)不都是笑话,早恋问题触动网友神经,

astrology 词典解释

1. 占星术;占星学
    Astrology is the study of the movements of the planets, sun, moon, and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people's lives.

He has had a keen and lifelong interest in astrological research.
astrologically astrologically significant moment.
astrology 单语例句

1. The rooster is also linked to the south and fire, in Chinese astrology.

2. Wong likes to wear dark sunglasses in public and appear mysterious, but he thinks his articles turn mysterious astrology into an understandable and entertaining subject.

3. This reporter found that not only fortunetelling, other superstitions like astrology and Tarot Cards also fascinate those students.

4. The Zodiac Mystery is the first film to deal with astrology in China, although the topic has been popular with young people for a while.

5. astrology

5. The coincidence has happened 18 times since 1950, according to experts of astrology and Tibetan calendar calculations.

6. Palais de la Chance is homage to international symbols of luck in astrology and nature.

7. Others will look to the stars in the night sky and probe Western astrology to gain a better understanding of tomorrow.

8. She hopes astrology can help people enjoy their days, rather than be a guideline for life.

9. astrology

9. Most portal websites have astrology sections and students are the most frequent visitors.

10. Simply for its entertainment value, astrology probably should not fall outside the academic vista.

astrology 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon

    Synonym: star divination
