
assassins [ə'sæsɪnz]  [ə'sæsɪnz] 


assassins 基本解释
暗杀者,行刺者( assassin的名词复数 );<史>暗杀十字军的穆斯林秘密团体成员;
assassins 网络解释

1. 刺客:他们20岁出头的时候,曾经写过一个叫做<<刺客>>(Assassins)的剧本卖给了华纳公司,1995年的时候拍成了由史泰龙主演的同名电影,但导演并不是他们. 写完这个剧本不久,他们就写了<<黑客帝国>>的剧本,但是这个剧本太独特,

2. (最后的刺客):高兴的兄弟二人认为自己这一次选对了行当,然而不久以后,当他们1995年写出了<<最后的刺客>>(Assassins)后,这种短暂的欣喜被巨大的失败所代替. <<最后的刺客>>在票房上的惨败使沃卓斯基兄弟怒不可遏,评论家尖刻的文章深深刺痛了他们,

3. 最后刺客:作为银幕老手,尼尔出演过电影<<最后刺客>>(Assassins)中民谣歌手与哈维.奥斯维德(Harvey Osward)双重角色的扮演,在宝莱坞作品<<卡巴莱与证据>>(Cabaretandproof)的演出也获得了人们的肯定.

4. 刺客戰場:一九九五年的<<刺客战场>>(Assassins)是三代人之间的故事. 主角罗勃是职业杀手中之佼佼者,他发觉每接一宗生意,都被年轻的竞争者米高从中拦截,背后似乎有人在搞鬼. 后来米高接到一份合同,是把罗勃干掉,

assassins 单语例句

1. Near the southern city of Basra, two officials of the Iraqi Islamic Party were gunned down by four assassins.

2. The assassins stopped only the victims'cars and let others pass.

3. assassins什么意思

3. The letter might be a reference to the Zetas, assassins who work for a drug trafficking gang based in the Gulf of Mexico area.

4. Michelle Yeoh plays a female assassin in the film Reign of Assassins.

5. assassins

5. They play Secret Service agents who clash when the president's life is threatened by assassins.

6. But The Bride is primarily out for revenge against her fellow assassins who tried to kill her on her wedding day.

7. The technological awards were scattered among several box office triumphs, such as Ip Man 2 and Bodyguards and Assassins.

8. The film revolves around a group of kungfu masters who protected Sun from assassins in Hong Kong in 1906.

9. In January, over eight million Iraqis defied the car bombers and assassins to vote in free elections.

10. assassins是什么意思

10. Sword is the new gun in John Woo's latest action thriller The Reign of Assassins, which will hit theaters on Sept 28.
