
ascending [ə'sendɪŋ]  [əˈsɛndɪŋ] 





ascending 基本解释



动词上升,攀登( ascend的现在分词 )

ascending 同义词



ascending 反义词



ascending 网络解释

1. 上行的:乌尔曼(Walter Ullmann)在分析中世纪的正当性理论时,从正当性的不同源头出发区分了下行的(descending)正当性理论和上行的(ascending)正当性理论. 所谓下行的进路把政府的正当性归诸普遍的原则或者更高的强力,

2. 上行:chromatic 半音的 | ascending 上行 | descending 下行

ascending 词典解释

1. (次序)上升的,渐进的
    If a group of things is arranged in ascending order, each thing is bigger, greater, or more important than the thing before it.

    e.g. Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size.
    e.g. ascending spiral of antisocial behaviour.

ascending 单语例句

1. The engravings also revealed something of their beliefs in an afterlife as the deceased were depicted ascending to heaven.

2. As that is happening, the country's general aviation sector will be ascending.

3. ascending什么意思

3. Several porters balanced the loads of vegetables and bottled water on shoulder poles as they picked their way along the sharply ascending steps.

4. A daughter born in 2001 has not stilled the clamour for imperial infants, as Japanese law bars women from ascending the throne.

5. The center of the painting shows her standing in profile and walking with a cane as if she is ascending into heaven.

6. Questions remained about what happened and what the fallout would be in Brazil, a nation seen as an ascending economic and political power.

7. This will be placed into the ascending module that will blast off from the lunar surface and dock with the orbiting module.

8. But the index regained strength after April this year and formed an ascending trend, which could last two or three months.

9. ascending的近义词

9. This means that the time between each passage of the Moon through the ascending node is slightly shorter than the sidereal month.

10. Orders for the Hang Seng Index Future in February pushed the index back to an ascending track when trading was resumed in the afternoon.

ascending 英英释义


1. the act of changing location in an upward direction

    Synonym: rise ascent ascension
